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Brenton Jones

Shooters, Fishers Farmers Tasmania

Shooters, Fishers Farmers Tasmania

Lives in:


I am 66 years old and have lived and worked in Tasmania for more than 36 Years. Being retirement age has been no barrier to further serving the community. I am currently a Master of the Tall sailing ship “Julie Burgess”.

I would like to contribute more of my experience and knowledge through representing an electorate in State government. Believing the North-West region has missed out in comparison the Southern regions in regards to infrastructure and social services I would very much like to strive to get a better deal for the Murchison area. Now with uncontrolled cost of living problems coupled with added expenses of living in remoter communities these people need a strong voice to ensure they are not disregarded or overlooked. Health and Education services seem to be at crisis point let alone the additional burdens of transport, energy and lack of opportunity. I would like to work to alleviate these conditions that cause so much despair. Our offspring should not have to leave the region to achieve success, there should be ways to make a home and living within the State and Regions.

Authorised by Ken Orr, Bradys Lake Rd, Bradys Lake 7140 (Lorraine Bennett)
Brenton Jones
Brenton Jones
Brenton Jones
Brenton Jones
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Brenton Jones
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